a post I use regularly to help my clients
Friday, November 11, 2011 by {darlene}

{the following post is a repost from my archives. I often refer my clients to this post to help them identify the things that they truly love in their homes}

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vision :: words of reason

In defining what we love, and creating a vision of personal style, vocabulary is so important. If we can find the words to describe what it is we love, 1. we can communicate that to others, and 2. we can remind ourselves of our goals as our spaces evolve.  

In my first post on this topic, I encouraged you to try to NOT use design words to define your style {words such as: “eclectic” or “country” or “traditional” or “minimalist” or “coastal” or “modern”}. Instead, today, I am going to encourage you to try to find your style words by using regular adjectives or descriptive words that appeal to you on these levels:

These words should describe:

  1. How you want your home to feel
  2. How you want your home to look, and
  3. The purpose you want your home to serve.
{Sound familiar? It is the same basic list to the one that I shared in this post on how one begins refining your personal style.}

So take out your design style notebook and jot down the first words that come to mind in reference to the above list of 3 criteria. After you have written down all of the words that you first think of, refer to the list below, and see if any of these additional words help you to refine your vision.  Final step?  Think on it, and then, narrow it down to five or so words that best describe what you want from your home.

more descriptive words:
{this list is certainly not exhaustive. In addition, why not take a thesaurus and try to nail down the perfect words for your own personal style?}
playful,  vibrant,  comfortable,  lush,  fresh,  flowing,  rich,  bold,  energetic,  peaceful,  serene,  elegant,  simple,  conservative,  adventurous,  unexpected,  order,  neutral,  textured,  showy,  artsy,  flashy,  glamourous,  regal,  formal,  bare,  creative,  sophisticated, wild,  daring,  fun,  welcoming,  uncluttered,  warm,  crisp,  bare,  breathes,  minimal,  reserved,  homey,  natural,  earthy,  cool,  cozy,  earthy,  sparse,  kid-friendly,  rustic,  relaxing,  firey,  exciting,  calm,  open,  colorful,  free,  comforting,  light-hearted,  gutsy,  posh,  plush,  proper,  etc.


{photo via Jones Design Company}

Here is my own personal list. I use it whenever I make a design decision for my own home.  This keeps me in check for my overall vision for our home, and it is especially helpful when trying to make purchase decisions:

darlene’s words of personal style:


This way, when making decisions or purchases, I can ask myself: “Is it elegant? simple? will it add a touch of glamour or a touch of simplicity? will it help my space to breathe? will it help me unclutter?”

What is on your personal style word list??

Don’t worry if you think that your home does not currently fit into the description that these words offer. In time, as you keep these words of design reason in mind, you will slowly be able to turn your home into a place that you love, where everything serves the purpose of your home and family.

I would love to know your word list. Whenever you come up with it, come back to this post, and share it here in the comments!

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