ditto :: double the living room
Monday, April 11, 2011 by {darlene}

in the rare event that you have a living room the size of a ballroom, this post is for you.
in the more likely event that you just love dazzling and balanced design, this post is for you, too.

{via merida rugs}

ditto :: {what I would steal from this room}:

  1. the architectural elements. If you are going to have an exceptionally large room, you must balance it with tasteful architectural elements. Here, I think the designer has successfully accomplished balance by using huge, triple transoms above the repeating, double french-doors. But, my favorite method of balance is found in the hand-hewn ceiling beams. They bring the ceiling a bit more “down to earth,” while at the same time adding a pattern that divides the room up into smaller, bite sized, and symmetrical {yippee!} sections.
  2. two huge sofas, facing each other. I love this design concept for a large room {it is not a great concept for smaller rooms however}. While I prefer smaller spaces to huge ones, I love how two sofas, with a huge presence, can fill up the room while providing perfect conversation spaces. Imagine lying down on one sofa, and chatting with a friend who is lying down on the other sofa! It is like a sleep-over party for grown-ups!
  3. the tall backs on the sofas. Just wanted to point this out, since it is so different. Again, I think this adds further balance to the soaring ceiling.
  4. tall urns flanking the door. Another fantastic way to bring the room down to size. These stately urns also echo the wood color in the ceiling beams, “grounding” the space even further.
  5. those great Suzani pillows. Google the word “Suzani” and you will find some gorgeous things for your home. promise!
  6. a train trunk as a coffee table. I have always loved this idea. It is a great alternative to a standard coffee table, and it works well for narrow spaces. Rustic? yes. But also adventurous. Just pack it up, and you are ready to go! And if your train trunk happens to have one of those fantastically interesting, and uneven, top surfaces, just use a grand tray to make it more useful.
  7. plenty of lighting. When you have a room that is more like a grand hall, plentiful lighting is essential. Here we have four table lamps and a ceiling chandelier, as well as plenty of windows for natural light.
  8. check out the cute little side table that simply sits, empty and waiting, in front of the sofa on the right. I love it! It sits there for the mere purpose of being useful – with the added benefit of being lovely. I will take a seat at the gorgeous sofa on the right, with a cup of coffee, please!
Grand? oh yes.
But many of these design elements make it comfy, practical, and livable. 
What do you think about living rooms that could be ballrooms?
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Labeled: ditto

One Comment

  • never mind. mine is nothing of the like…lol i just get annoyed trying to balance a 27 foot wall of empty space. i really am thinking of a hook up of sorts…i need ideas!!

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