ditto :: an over-the-top luxury bathroom
Monday, May 16, 2011 by {darlene}

Thank you to each and every one of you who sent me your design questions last week! And thank you in advance for your wonderful patience, as I work my way through each question.  There were some great questions asked, and I will be posting about some of them soon. Who knows? Maybe one of your burning design questions will have been answered as well.

You all have the neatest homes, and it was super fun to see pictures of my readers’ spaces. Plus, it is nice to be reminded that a home is never “done;” but simply a process. A very FUN process.

One more bit of business before some ditto-ing:
If you are just itching to get onto my list for Design Services any time soon, I wanted to let you know that my discounted rates will be in effect only until the end of May.  Head on over to my Design Services Page, where you can secure a spot on my wait-list, and take advantage of this rate, with any Services purchased before the end of May.

lets ogle over some gorgeous design, shall we???
How about a dream bathroom? This one {house beautiful} might be a bit ‘much’ for some {like me, for example}, but the luxury of it all surely gets me thinking about some things I would love to ditto

ditto :: {what I would steal from this space}:

  1. the real deal, living room level, full-scale draperies. How very elegant! While it is not my first instinct to place such an elaborate curtain choice in the bathroom, it certainly creates a mood of luxury and…. vacation. It also adds so much beauty! I would love to linger in that tub, gazing out of such a stately window.
  2. a huge {gilded} mirror. This is such a simple and classy way to elevate your bathroom to a state of the luxurious. An mirror with giant proportions takes full advantage of all of the light and space your bathroom has to offer. And doubles it.
  3. a cafe table in le toilette. Now why didn’t I think of that? hmmm. Maybe it is because I spend most of my time rushing in and out of my bathroom. But what a delight!
  4. a deep claw-foot tub, painted black. I already stole this, and I just LOVE my black-painted claw-foot tub.  You could paint the exterior of an old claw-foot in all sorts of beautiful colors… but black has to be my favorite. And in case you were wondering what all the fuss is about claw-foot tubs: because they are so much deeper, they really do offer a dreamy bathing experience!
  5. the flooring. The floor tile in this room is exquisite. It is like a kickback to old fashion style of black and white basket-weave, but softer and more sophisticated. And undoubtedly, more expensive. But this is a dream bathroom, right??
  6. a touch of garden. A garden stool and fresh flowers are touches of the outdoors that add freshness and life to a dreamy bathroom.  And the most luxurious things in life are free… so go pick a bunch of flowers off of a bush or from your yard, and start that dreamy bathroom feeling right now.
  7. that tub fixture. Actually, most of the fixtures, and lighting fixtures in this bath are way too overdone and over-stated for me… but I adore the tub fixture. Mostly for the fantastic spa treatment it promises to offer. Oh, and I am a sucker for polished chrome.
My favorite part of this bathroom is the dreamy notion of a cafe table in my bathroom.
What would you ditto???
– {darlene}
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  • I just moved to condo with standard tubs, and I sooo miss my bigger deeper tub. I haven't even ventured to get into the one I have, as there is no "lip" on the back of the tub, therefore nowhere to lay my weary head. I can't wait to get furniture paid for so I can have a better/bigger tub installed. Nothing like a good soak after spending the day with staph-infested hospitalized patients. I LOVE the claw-foot tub here, that's all I can see when I look at bathroom pics these days 🙂

  • I can SOOOO relate. I must admit, I do love my tub. But, girl. YOU DESERVE a GOOD bath. So get ya a cheap tub pillow and some expensive bath products and live for today!!!
    The inside of my tub is chipping…. but you had better believe I am sitting my fanny in that thing!
    Have a GREAT day, Kimberly.
    And thank you for your comment at Fieldstone Hill!

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