inspiration :: blog design
Tuesday, August 30, 2011 by {darlene}

Fieldstone Hill Design got a new blog outfit! So. much. fun.

and, I am so thrilled about how it turned out.

It was not hard to find blog inspiration… from decorating, of course!


Notice any of these decor elements reflected in my blog design?????

Now. Ask me to create a room based on all this inspiration, and I feel right at home.

…but turning all of that inspiration into a technical, beautiful blog design? Thank goodness for Kendall! {here is the part where, if you are itching to do a professional site redesign, I am going to tell you where to go! :)}

I mean, just look at this cute virtual-Kendall. You can just tell she has good taste:

Now, bless Kendall’s heart; Designing for a Designer has to be the crappiest job on earth. But she handled all of my tweaks, and re-tweaks, and re-re-tweaks with ease. It was important to her that I loved everything about my design! And she definitely went the extra mile to create a web design that I love!

I gave Kendall a zillion of my own ideas {such as the interior inspiration photos above}, which she creatively incorporated into my design. She helped me bring my F.H. logo design to life in the perfect way. And she reworked my ideas into useable, professional concepts.

And then she threw me the most beautiful, creative curveball with that gorgeous sunburst that you see in the upper left corner of my header. I can’t get over it. I’m still not over it. I just love it.

Well, now. If you are itching for a blog redesign, or if you want to make your site more professional, I recommend miss Kendall. Click here to see information on her Website Designing, and here for information on her Blog Designing. Go tell her I sent you 🙂

Now, I am itching to know what you think of the new design that we created!! Do tell, friends!

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Labeled: blogland, inspiration


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