inspiration :: a favorite blog
Friday, February 25, 2011 by {darlene}

{***updated to add pics of Angela’s study. How could I have forgotten? It is in my personal design files! I think I need to ditto that room. You can find it toward the bottom of this post}

It is so hard to say that one blog is your favorite, but if I had to pick one design blog that I truly love the bestest, it is The Painted House.

Angela inspires me.
That is all there is to it.
And her posts make me smile. She is as witty as they come. Dog and Cat fight anyone?:

She is incredibly talented. Her art stretches me. Makes me want to grab my brush:

Meet Angela of The Painted House. I know. Did I mention that she is stunning? {angela. when we hang, and go check out art galleries or something, I am SO borrowing that skirt}

Meet her incredible cottage. You, too, can stay there on your next vacation in the hills of NC. The interiors {and exteriors} make me want to stay a while:

Meet the surprise office design that Angela did for her hubby. She was my inspiration for {this surprise}:

And one of my favorite rooms that Angela made SO fabulous is her study, where her kids learn about fantastic things like Jackson Pollack and Walter Gropius.  I would like a lesson or two, please.

My favorite thing about Angela and The Painted House is her joie de vivre. Go visit her, and visit often. I know you will be inspired too.

Hope to see you back here next week. I have an announcement!

{Fieldstone Hill Design is a brand new blog and my dream! Thank you to everyone who is cheering me on. Love Fieldstone Hill? thanks. you rock. Would you consider sharing the love by Following {click Follow in the right sidebar}, Liking on Facebook, or linking here from your blog. I just knew you were awesome!}

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Labeled: blogland, inspiration


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