inspiration :: how to assemble beautiful bedding
Friday, April 8, 2011 by {darlene}

I am in the process of selecting bedding for our boys’ room. I am working off of the vision I laid out on my original design board, which you can see here. But right now, I am using some inspiration photos to hone in on what items I really want to purchase for their beds.

Below are a variety of bedroom pictures, with one thing in common: I love how the bed is made.
Let’s see what common themes crop up, shall we?
{I will place in bold any bed item that repeats itself from photo to photo}

Euro sham in the back. Contrasting regular sham in front. Coverlet. Folded duvet at the foot that matches sham. Bed skirt. White sheets.
{dinkel and millet}

Euro sham. Coverlet. Folded coverlet at the foot. Contrasting yet analogous patterns. Patterned bed skirt.
{ele decor}

Euro sham in the back. Contrasting regular pillow in front. Tucked coverlet with visible sheet. Casually folded duvet at the foot. No bed skirt. White sheets.
{tom stringer}

Euro sham in the back. Contrasting regular sham in front. Duvet covers bed. Patterned bed skirt that matches Euro sham.
{katie leede}

Double regular sham pillows, stacked vertically. Duvet covers bed. Contrasting coverlet folded at the foot. Bed skirt. White sheets.
{house beautiful. chad eisner}

Folded coverlet at foot. No bedskirt. Double pillows, stacked horizontally.
White sheets.
{house beautiful}

Tucked coverlet with visible sheet. Contrasting, folded coverlet at foot. White sheets.
{martha stewart}

Loose coverlet with visible sheet. Double regular sham pillows, stacked horizontally. No bedskirt. White sheets.

Well, that definitely helps me focus in on what to buy for my precious guys!
Looks like white sheets, coverlets, folded bedding at the foot, and stacked pillows and/or Euros are a must for me.
You can try this at home:
When you are trying to make a purchasing decision,
  1. line up a bunch of your favorite photos that include the item to be purchased
  2. then look for common themes, design techniques, materials and colors that keep popping up

What do you love most about how these beds are made?
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Labeled: design in progress, inspiration, lessons in design


  • Richmond Thrifter

    The bedding is beautiful but I cant stop starring at the blue dresser in the first photo…gorgeous! Great round-up!

  • This is a a great post. You have summed up in a nutshell what draws me to a beautifully done bed. It's just the simple white sheets, the pillows and the fluffy comforter at the bottom of the bed.
    Now to see if I can achieve this with what I have on hand.

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