lessons in design :: why drapes?
Thursday, January 12, 2012 by {darlene}

I love drapes. Have you noticed?

{to see more drape-loving design, click here to view my portfolio}

If I can use drapes, I will.


Here is why I adore drapes:

1. They add texture to your space. Silk brings shiny texture; burlap brings nubby texture; velvet brings rich texture; etc.
2. They are the largest, undisturbed fabric presence in your space. Therefore, they have grand presence. Perfect, especially if you love fabric.
3. They can tie a room together – decor coherency – by using a fabric that links/combines colors in the space.

4. They take your decorating vertically; not many other items in your room do this.
5. If hung properly, they add height to your space.
6. Versatility: They can provide privacy, or just be a decor presence.
7. They can save you money. Drapes insulate from the cool, and shield from the sun.
8. They can add a strong punch of style  and be a powerful decor statement depending on your fabric choice.

9. It is a safe place to use fabrics like silk and velvet, without worry of daily wear and tear.
10. They can be as light or as heavy as you want them to be.

okay, and the main reason why I love drapes? Let’s call it 10 and a half, shall we?

10.5. They are dramatic. That makes me happy.

Drapes give you the perfect opportunity to put a “ribbon” on your room, by adding that final touch of perfect fabric.

Is it time for you to add some drapes to your home?



{The last three photos are via my Pinterest board: “My Thing for Drapes.” Hop on over for more Drape Love.}


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