Overcoming Decorating Paralysis :: Finding the Time
Friday, December 28, 2012 by {darlene}

Time management is a challenge for any of our goals in life. Finding the Time.

finding the time

If we want to accomplish something, we must intentionally carve time out of our days to do it.

No surprise: Decorating is no different.

When in the world do we find the time to decorate?

Well, the answer is that we won’t. We will have to make the time.

For some people, decorating is exactly what they want to do with their time, and so other things go undone as their homes are transformed. But for most of us, we want to decorate… we just want to do other things more.

Now, I am ready for all of the protests.

“But I simply don’t have the TIME to decorate; it is not a matter of want.”

But, I know human nature. And I know myself.

Folks, when we are done doing what we have to do… we almost always do what we want to do. With a few exceptions, and of course there are a few, we have extra time that we choose to spend on something.  And if you are anything like me, believe it or not, you choose to spend it on something other than decorating.

And my message for you today is:


AND, not only that,


Today, I choose to have dinner with a friend, instead of getting projects done around the house.

Last weekend, we chose to host a dear family friend and do fun things all weekend…. instead of getting projects done around the house.

Yesterday afternoon, I chose to sit and read to my boys and cook a healthy dinner {takes twice as long, I tell ya!} … instead of getting projects done around the house.

But, also, last week, I carved out 2 hours of my day to take some pillow and cushion projects to my seamstress. This project has been in the works for a while, and I finally MADE the time for it. And I am super excited to see the end result.

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Finding the Time

{for more posts to help you overcome your decorating paralysis, click here or on the image above}

So, how do we Overcome the Decorating Paralysis of Finding the Time?

1. We mustn’t be so hard on ourselves if everything does not happen overnight. Most homes are not transformed in a day.

2. Find comfort in knowing that those people who flip out projects overnight, CHOSE to spend their time doing THAT, and therefore, something ELSE went undone. Again, it was a choice. And, there can easily come a time when WE finally choose to get a project cranked out; all the while being realistic that something else of ours will go undone.

3. Remember that lesson, slow and steady wins the race? That old adage is perfect for creating beautiful interiors. Purchase a few beautiful things this year, hire a Mr. Fix-it next month, sew up those curtain panels next week. Bit by bit, the transformations will come.

4. And I would be remiss if I did not mention all the fantastic tips from my readers on how THEY find the time to decorate their homes.


This year, I plan to find  bit-by-bit time to add beauty to my home.

Maybe this New Year is the Year for YOU to Carve out time to add beauty to your home.

Will you join me?

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Decorate your home, bit by bit, with BEAUTIFUL pieces at great prices, from One Kings Lane.

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