project :: tackling an ignored corner
Friday, January 14, 2011 by {darlene}

Welcome to Fieldstone Hill! This blog is my dream in the making, and I am so glad that you are here to share in the love of making our homes more beautiful.

This project is just the tiniest of projects. Merely a shifting of furniture and belongings. However, it is amazing how refreshing clearing-out-the-old can be. Plus, this quick project has brought both practicality and usefulness. As well as getting rid of an overflowing eyesore. so, win-win.

Spurred on by my friend Traci who is hosting a January series, Organizing your Heart and Home, I was inspired to get nitty gritty, and clean out some closets for the new year, I chose to tackle my oldest son’s room.

Most of our closets, believe it or not, are in pretty good shape… due to a pre-Christmas organizing rampage that I went on.  So, instead of picking a full-blown closet, I decided to finally deal with the diaper changing table that has been collecting STUFF for, um, a few years. Despite the fact that he is, indeed, five…I never moved it because I have plans of overhauling this space into a school room after tackling the new boys’ room. So, it just sat there.  Looking silly in a big boy room.

But now, the changing table is going into retirement for the time being.

So, here are the Befores. How could it have come to this?:

Context. Let me give you some context.
Here is the rest of my son’s room. You just can’t see the changing-table-side-of-the-room very well from the photo. Just a bit in the bottom right of the second photo:

Now, the changing table has been placed in storage.
The floor has been cleaned.
All of the items-worth-keeping have been redistributed, mostly to the linen closet and to these baskets {which we custom fit to the built-in bookcase that Pop pop built.}:

And now, we have the very first hint that my first-born’s room is going to be evolving into our school room. How exciting!

Voila.  Here is the boys’ new Research Corner:

…I am so glad to have their growing school book collection in one place. In the baskets, I have piles of Animal Baby, My Big Backyard and National Geographic Kids magazines. On top, I displayed a very special toy: a tractor from Russia that was given to us by our Russian Exchange daughter and her family.

This corner still needs work, and is not quite display-ready… but it feels so good to be moving forward with a big project that is a part of our Home Improvement Goals for 2011. Thank you for spurring me on, Traci! I am also sharing this project at the Shabby Nest and Miss Mustard Seed.

I hope everyone has a great weekend, and gets one quick project done too. Why not?
– {darlene}

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  • allenaim photography and design

    Looks great Darlene! Can't wait to see the school room!

    BYW…the first thing I thought when I saw the before was "We have those sheets!!" " We have that dinosaur puzzle!!" What is it about seeing the same stuff in other people's homes? It's a weird kind of comraderie…anyway…have a great day girl!!

  • What an adorable room! I'm sure many many fun hours will be spent in the new Research Corner! 🙂

  • Would love to know where you found your baskets?


  • I had that same changing table…which is now gone, too! I love that you have the baskets that fit just right – what a great Pop Pop! You look like you enjoy organizing – me too!

    Becky B.
    Organizing Made Fun

  • Traci@ Beneath My Heart

    Oh, your little boys is growing up! 🙂
    I am in denial that my children are getting older.
    I need to move the changing table out of Eli's room too, but I just don't have the desire to do it yet. 🙂 He's my baby.
    I bet your big boy loves his new bookshelf!
    Thanks for linking up to my party!
    Hope you are having a great start to the new year.

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