How to be more GUTSY with your decorating, instantly
Wednesday, February 12, 2014 by {darlene}

As I observe my clients and friends, I notice that in general, most of us tend to be more comfortable with bringing a soft, welcoming and hospitable touch into our homes, but adding a BOLD touch – even just a touch – to their homes causes much more pause.

On the same token, I have noticed that so many people wish they had the GUTS to add some bolder things and bolder colors, that they love, into their spaces.

That is why today, we are going to chat for a little bit about the bold side of our spaces. It is time to find your inner gutsy decorator!

How to be more gutsy with your decorating, instantly via Fieldstone Hill Design

Why do I need guts?

In regards to decorating, or any artistic endeavors, I just love this quote by Adam Lambert:


or, as I REGULARLY say to my clients:

“Sometimes, the only thing needed to create beauty… is GUTS!” {<-tweet this}

So, what in the world do I mean by that?

{image via Decorating Myself}

Have you ever looked at a woman wearing a bold, fantastic necklace and said/thought, “That necklace is SO fantastic, but I could NEVER get away with it. But it looks great on you!!”

I am here to tell you that that is absolutely, positively NOT true.

The only reason why your friend looks so stunning in that gorgeous necklace is that she had the guts to wear it and believe in its beauty.  She has no secret formula to looking good in bold necklaces, but she simply has the guts to put it on and be fabulous in it.

How does this matter when decorating?

The SAME concept is true for decorating. Look at the room below. You may recognize it…

edie workroom bhg

{image via BHG, design by Fieldstone Hill Design}

This amazing client of mine has no secret formula for her fabulous spaces, other than the fact that she has the guts to take chances and use things that she simply LOVES in her space. She had the guts. And then she went for it!! {check out her amazing decorating posts here}.

When faced with a decorating decision, she said YES to color.

She said YES to pattern.

She said YES to art.

She said YES to adding in things that make her happy.

She had the guts.

So, how do YOU get these “guts?”

Oh, good news. GUTS are available to everyone. Confidence in yourself, your decisions, and your passions is available to YOU!

Here is the truth of the matter: True confidence comes from the Lord. From KNOWING to whom we belong From KNOWING we were made for a purpose. From KNOWING, deeply, that we are well loved and well designed and created with love.

It comes from believing in who we are because of whose we are.

And guts come when we FULLY embrace this truth: We are not out to please man, but to live for and serve our Father.  We don’t have to apologize for bold choices.

Just think of the possibilities: How could that knowledge free your decorating?? {ahem. free your LIFE?}

This God who is the source of our confidence also created us. He gave us our gifts and passions and our eye for the beautiful. Be who God made you to be.

When he made you, did he put a love for fuchsia in your heart?

Good gracious, HE invented fuchsia!!!


You were meant to Design like the Master:

And if you are feeling like making some bold design choices, you will be in some mighty fine Creative company:

The bold designer by Fieldstone Hill Design

The bold designer by Fieldstone Hill Design

The bold designer by Fieldstone Hill Design

The bold designer via Fieldstone Hill Design

The bold designer via Fieldstone Hill Design

The bold designer via Fieldstone Hill Design

The bold designer via Fieldstone Hill Design

The bold designer via Fieldstone Hill Design

{images via The Master Designer Pinterest collaborative board}

Bold does not hold back because of fear.

So, if you love that pink chair, And if you LOVE that chunky necklace, then God gave you an eye to appreciate that bold and sculptural beauty. He is the BOLDEST Master Designer there is.

Recover that chair in fuchsia, I say.

And wear that necklace like you mean it!!


No. Apologies.

With Guts.


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What bold choice will you make in your decorating?

Is it time for you to move forward in confidence?







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