How I KEEP my wellness goals all year long
Monday, January 5, 2015 by {darlene}

How I KEEP my wellness goals all year long

How I keep my wellness goals all year long

For me, if I ever want to achieve my wellness goals – and maintain them {!}, I have come to discover that I must

1. Get very basic with my goals


2. Go cold turkey

{as in, COMPLETELY give up something, or COMPLETELY add a new habit}

Now, that is what works for ME.

You will need to discover what works for YOU!!

Take some time to think back to a time when you were really living in wellness:

  • What kinds of habits did you have?
  • What were  you giving up?
  • How were you achieving your goals?
  • What made that time in your life DIFFERENT?
  • What made it work?

Once you know the answers to those questions, you are ready to move forward in a realistic way, that works for you, not someone else.

So, keep your OWN PERSONAL lifestyle in mind as I share how I get it done. Keeping in mind that these may not work for you, or may need to be tweaked, or … they may be the perfect way for you to meet your wellness goals this year, and to keep on meeting them!

How I keep my wellness goals:


1. This is how I was finally able to squeeze in a CONSISTENT workout routine:

The key for me was to drastically lower my expectations to having only ONE expectation: Just get it done.

How to finally squeeze in a workout via @fieldstonehill

2. I get back to basics on the food plan that saved my life.

I slipped on my healthy eating this past year. Now, I am getting back into my diet with the “Cold Turkey Method” – by going 100% for only 2 weeks, and then aiming for an 80/20 lifestyle on this healing, yet challenging, diet:

How I healed my Acid Reflux Naturally via Fieldstone Hill Design

3. I keep my stack of healthy cookbooks right on the counter, for meal planning:

For us, healthy eating means eating real foods, planning ahead a bit, and getting rid of food in boxes. We are particularly diving back into our I quit sugar books, especially for the kids. Anyone else have kids that are running around like they have wind-up Christmas candy canes in their backs?

Why I am quitting sugar via @fieldstonehill

4. I keep my essential oils accessible & I replace my toxic products bit by bit:

I am nutty, crazy, surprisingly in love with these little bottles that A. smell ridiculously good and make my house smell like a spa. And B. WORK.

There is buzz about these babies everywhere, so I wrote a post to answer your burning questions about EO’s, in my frank, honest way. And …. let me just say… ENOUGH about all your status updates on blasted boogers & woes…get the dang oils already!

Why Everyone is into Essential Oils, and are they for me? A NO NONSENSE guide to answer your questions. via @fieldstonehill www.fieldstonehilldesign/young-living

5. I force rest into my life, even if I think I don’t have time for it:

Getting to the spa on a regular basis is simply not an option in this season of my life. And I will readily admit, I love to go spa-ing. So, instead, I have taken a few simple steps to create a Refuge Of Rest in my very own bathroom.


This year, my New Year’s goal is

to stop living in survival mode.

I hope you will join me!!









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This post is generously sponsored by my YL. I am into natural choices for my family, and this is the main way I avoided toxins during pregnancy, and now our family is hooked. My Young Living essential oils are also my business, and the oils are so well loved that they sponsor my blog!!! Thank you, friends!  Enroll by clicking here.


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